Six Pillars of Business & Marketing Success - - Author Bryan Kumar

Written by Sunny Din

To be successful, you need to do whatrepparttar successful people do! It's really that simple. Here are what I've found to berepparttar 120218 6 pillars of business success:

1. Set Yourself Apart From The Rest!

Almost all businesses have some competition - other people sellingrepparttar 120219 same, or similar, products. In order to survive and prosper despite your competitors, you have to set yourself apart from them.

Have you differentiated yourself from your competition? Is there something unique about your business, product, offer, or service? Study your product and your offer, and seek out what's unique about it.

Look at your competition. Study them! Pick their sales letters apart! Find out what they're lacking that you could use to establish your uniqueness.

Always ask yourself these questions...

"Why should customers choose me over my competitors? What am I offering that other businesses aren't? What are they getting from me that they're not getting from others?"

I see more and more people everyday, starting websites withrepparttar 120220 same set of ebooks, bundled up inrepparttar 120221 same way, promoting just aboutrepparttar 120222 same benefits. The only difference, if any, isrepparttar 120223 price - usually much lower than it should be.

If having a lower price is your only differentiating factor, you're in trouble because someone will always undercut you. Find unique qualities about your business, product, or offer other than low price.

If you don't set yourself apart by offering some unique positive and desirable benefit, your offer - and consequently, your business - will be lost amongrepparttar 120224 other mediocre offers that exist.

2. Learn To Write Response-Generating Sales Copy!

Are your ads and sales letters sucking people in, creating mental pictures and movies in their minds ofrepparttar 120225 benefits they'll enjoy? Are your sales materials getting customers so hot that they buy onrepparttar 120226 spot?

Creating powerful sales materials is crucial to your business success. The best product does not always getrepparttar 120227 sale; The best "sales presentation" does!

The quality ofrepparttar 120228 product is obviously important. However,repparttar 120229 customer will only buy if you can easily "convey" those unique qualities and benefits to him. Show him why he absolutely needs your product and why he'll lose out if he doesn't buy!

You've worked hard to get customers to your site. Don't let that go to waste. Learn to create compelling ads and sales materials that get your customers hot and ready to buy "now!"

3. Make Some Noise!

Are you sitting quietly hoping people will somehow know that you exist? It's not gonna happen.

Get out there! Make yourself known. Go torepparttar 120230 popular forums and contribute. Get in touch with other businesses and marketers and form alliances. Offer to co-create products with them.

Make outrageous claims! (As long as you can back them up.) Get publicity. Get press coverage and airtime if you can!

Make some noise! Get people to notice what you're doing! Make an impression on their minds. If they don't know you exist, they can't do business with you.

Making The Most Of Newsletters

Written by Sue and Chuck DeFiore

Newsletters can be wonderful tools for communicating with your customers or prospects. Because of their format, they’re often infused with more credibility than traditional brochures. If your newsletter is little more than blatant self-promotion, however, it’s likely to hitrepparttar wastebasket before it hits your target’s desk.

By following a few basic tips, you can cultivate interest in your newsletter and make it an effective marketing tool.

Keep it interesting. Whether you’re informing prospects or current customers, provide useful content and avoidrepparttar 120217 temptation of use a hard-sell approach. For example, include a how-to article about some aspect of home buying or selling. While these topics relate to your field and reinforce your message, they also offer valuable advice and will help cultivate a loyal audience.

Do it yourself . . . or not. The abundance of desktop publishing programs onrepparttar 120218 market makes it easy for virtually anyone to create a newsletter. However, poor knowledge of design basics and overzealous use of difficult-to-read fonts has led to more than one design disaster. Before you try to do it yourself, consider hiring a professional graphic designer to create a template into which you or a staff member can input copy. If you still want to give it a shot yourself, pick up a book on graphic design basics before you create your masterpiece.

Find your look. Depending on your budget, you can choose from a variety of styles—from a simple, one-color piece to a multi-page, full-color format. Factors such asrepparttar 120219 number of colors and pages, type of paper, and paper size can mean big differences in cost, so ask for quotations on different specifications from several printers.

Keep it short. Generally, it’s best to limit your newsletter to eight pages or fewer and keep articles at 300 words or fewer. If you have a lengthy or complex issue to address, try to break it up into two articles or one longer article accompanied by a short sidebar piece.

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